Still believe Me...?

I once received the best news...I hadn't lost my left ear afterall

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

heylo!!i am back to the land of procrastination...after so many months off!!!i am supposed to be typing up lecture notes for hist, reading my hist text book and some other hist stuff off the internet and reading some of my film text book!!!o dear..tis tres mal!!i have been doing work allll day and it's highly depressing tho im sure i will feel a whole lot better for it by this evening and have (hopefully) almost finished all of it!!!
i dont have any exciting news cleaner is ill (v sad) so i had a different cleaner emptying my bin. Hopefully my cleaner will be well again tomorrow cos she's supposed to clean my room!!!never mind, i'l still tidy some stuff up incase she comes!!
hhmm...i've still got several hours til's really sad that my life atm seems to revolve around the all important social event of eating!!and it is also very sad that we can make our meals last up to an hour and a half just so that we don't have to go back to working!!hmmm wonder what's happening tonight?hopefully nothing too energetic or expensive (maybe another night in the bar!!)
well anyways...had better get bak to doing something constructive (As always!!)
love me


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