Still believe Me...?

I once received the best news...I hadn't lost my left ear afterall

Monday, October 10, 2005

aaaaaarrrrrrrrrrgggggggghhhhhh having personnal statement issues!!! It is much shorter than it should be. Feel like have not achieved a lot!!! Have resorted to listening to Oasis which i now generally do in states of frustration!! Unfortunately i cannot run around the house in a mad frenzy as all the family are in and will think im strange but suppose they think that already!!! My dad has just taken 100 boxes off my shelf to find a mobile phone box.Oh dear. Never mind, strange day in general. Didnt do a lot today, will maybe do more tomoz!!! Ooooo Oasis, love dem muchly. Very much cheered me up!!!ummmm, so wot was i saying...havent got a lot to write, ouch da phone just rung v v v loudly and scared me to death!!!
Um so yeh, not a lot to say really. O i joined MI5!!! have had many spying missions-very exciting. Have even seen the MI5 building!!!
Well must go as am playing eye spy-oooo spying missions put to good use!!!
will c u soon


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