Still believe Me...?

I once received the best news...I hadn't lost my left ear afterall

Sunday, January 25, 2009

well it has been two weeks since i got here. I have moved into gemmas room now which is much better as it means i have people around who i like which always makes life nicer :-)

still feel very sad about not being at home and i know i shouldn't do this but i am counting down the days (quite literally) until i go to new york, chicago, home....
why cant i let go? never again will i complain about being in nottingham, despite the fact the train prices have gone up in england...whhhhhy?? in worse news, the exchange rate is ridiculous now...i am starting to think that england should take on the euro purely because at this rate the pound is going to drop below the euro....not good at all!!!

i have been doing some work this morning, tho intend to go to the gym when it opens..
a. i am still in my pyjamas
b. i need to get out of this room
c. i need to stop thinking so much

euuuuugh why does life seem so gay atm, and why am i so desperate to be in england??

in other not so depressing news, my mother has evidently reached mid-life crisis and has decided that she wants a tattoo for her 50th birthday and that i have to go with her for moral support and get one too....oh dear. i wonder if she has discussed this with my father, i can see him being a little bit more conservative about the whole idea!!!and i think she just wouldn't tell my grandma...i can see this being one interesting summer :-s

anyway, off to finish reading and then off to exercise my body and give my brain a rest


Sunday, January 18, 2009

well im back in the land of the free....bored, could actually write a novel or something while im sat here for hours on end being bored, have contemplated it but unfortunately lacked motivation.
i have been here a week and it already feels like a lifetime. Christmas went by far too quickly, I would do anything to have everyday of it over again. I think i have said before that whilst being here, i have learnt that i am a homely person who does not like being away...shame i am half way around the world.

in other news, Obama is being inaugurated on Tuesday...rather exciting. I intend to watch this on TV.

ooooo and in other news, I have a new exciting story about the people across the ondrej and family!!! well, if you are not up to date, calum is out of prison now and back causing chaos. He had been selling drugs to various people and buying them from various people and owed some people some money. Ondrej threatened to throw him out because they were getting phone calls and people coming round to see calum etc but calum never left.
then one day over christmas two guys turn up at their house and calum decides he doesnt want to see them so ondrej goes downstairs to tell them to go away. However they storm in the house threaten ondrej with a knife, take his wallet, car keys and take the car. So there was much comotion and the police were called and all sorts....Glebe Road is never boring!!!
I wish something majorly exciting would happen here....maybe not a knife incident but anything really if only to liven the place up a bit!

in positive news, allison has not slept here for the week so ive basically had the place to myself, which has made me question whether moving into Gemma's is a good idea as when i move i will have no time to myself and no space to myself but then it should help with my severe boredom and lonliness :-(

why is being here feeling rather different to last time? I really do not like it this time round and wish i wasn't here at all but then i do have mardi gras, new york and chicago to make me happy (kinda stuck between a rock and a hard place)

anyway, last year i made new years resolutions and this year i will make some more:
1. never be sad when at home as i now realise how important home is
2. have fun as much as possible, both here and in england. finding things to do which make me happy rather than getting sad all the time (even if this does mean going to the gym)
3. go to the gym....this mainly is meant for when i get home, i dont want to go to the gym all the time here and then lose my newly aquired fitness skills when i leave
4. don't worry so much about money. although i owe my parents more than ive ever owned i do need to realise that there are students with way less than me who manage to live fine...use money to have fun (to some extent)
5. dont take anyone for granted
6. try and keep room and books etc tidy (i like it when i can see my desk, and i do like the smell of 'clean'
7. find job before need job
8. start dissertation way before need to (i.e. soonish)

hhmmm i believe that is all i can think of for now...i will go investigate last years resolutions in a min and see if i succeeded in them!

all in all life at home was incredible...spent every waking second with Dan (what a difference a year makes...can definitely read the difference between now and then). we went on holiday which was amazing and also went by far too quickly. I have never felt so sad about leaving someone in my life...last saturday was horrendous, and i still feel as though a part of me has been left at not being completely me. but i have to learn to live with it, for the next 11 weeks anyway!

over and out